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  1. D

    I want 150 BHP - How can i..

    So whats realistic gains then, induction kit, exhaust, remap HAHA ^^ love that. im used to diesel power gains thats why...
  2. D

    I want 150 BHP - How can i..

    As it states, how can i do this? is it even possible? Currently standard 133 RS CUP. Thanks in advance
  3. D

    New Owner

    Attached some pics, will have more to come. good thought with the threads.
  4. D

    New Owner

    Hi all, Get my TWINGO CUP 133 Thursday.. super excited. Whats your experiences/enjoyment? I also have a Pug 308 as a company car so this is my little toy. Any engine modifications you recomend? stuff that hasnt worked? Danny.