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  1. benmc

    WR60XMD? Any got my old dini?

    If anyone owns it on here here's a little info on it Made 152BHP on rollers at fly wheel at northalerton, this was following a super sprint exhaust, part of the inlet manifold matched , air intake change and a RS tuner map (you'll notice it revs to 7900 ) it also has PI springs (very crashy I...
  2. benmc

    RS Tuner Map - Worth it on a Twingo?

    I had it on my old gordini and I'd say yes definitely worth it, so much more responsive and revy !!
  3. benmc

    Drop Links Where to buy?!?!

    Hi people sorry if its been answered , ive tried the search but no luck. Can anyone point me in the direction for 2 new drop links for my rs gordini? Thanks Ben
  4. benmc

    RS160 - Twingo Gordini #159

    neil this looks epic, we will have to meet up sometime seen as though i live in aberdeen now! i havent been on here for a while but would be good for you to see your old exhaust! haha
  5. benmc

    Huge problem! Key fob :(

    You are a saint! Can't believe I've never come across that on here!
  6. benmc

    Huge problem! Key fob :(

    Hi people! Any help here would be great! Key fob stopped working yesterday so went and replace the battery today, battery replaced and went to try they key.. Doesn't work, thought okay ill do what I used to do in my old Clio, push and hold the button while ignition turns on all electrics for 10...
  7. benmc

    FInding a 133 FF with Cup pack

    buy my 60 plate gordini if you want :P
  8. benmc


    that thread up there is wrong you could fit a charger in c30 series fairly easy the brack to replace the a/c with charger is the same as the clios too ...
  9. benmc

    Black Full Fat With Cup - Cup Spoiler from kawka coming soon

    ps your car is looking sweet!
  10. benmc

    Black Full Fat With Cup - Cup Spoiler from kawka coming soon

    shame he cant do the diffusers!
  11. benmc

    gordini rs bucksburn aberdeen

    i was driving back home the otherday and notice you parked up down one of the streets near the clover leaf?
  12. benmc

    Ollie133cup's RS 133 CUP.

    looking real nice buddy! where did you get your stud kit from?
  13. benmc

    Wind GT (Stage 2+) | New Wheels

    yea fitments are the same just different CC it makes sense though to be honest from what he told me like paul from RS was mentioning to me the same thing but its all to do with pressures and flows etc...
  14. benmc

    Wind GT (Stage 2+) | New Wheels

    oscar mentioned to me the other day the gt's should really used the megane injectors due to the % running rate of the 172/182 ones on a mapped GT so would you have been best to run the megane ones?
  15. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    Ahhh okay I wonder of my stalk is ****** then it doesn't intermittently wipe using the dial hence I though was sensitivity :/ more money :(
  16. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    My Intermittent without the rain sensor didn't work only done one wipe :/ unless I turned the dial it would wipe again once ... I thought you just nocked it to the first setting and that was set to auto and the dial was sensitivity, So how do you actually turn the auto on? And I may need a new...
  17. benmc

    RS Cup Spoilers - £90 + Shipping (£15 to UK) Always in stock

    When I got funds ill be getting the spoiler like!
  18. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    But the intermittent is only 1 wipe without rain sensor then fairly fast quite annoying when there's only a little drizzle have to keep flicking the switch haha
  19. benmc

    Whats your occupation

    I'm and electrical engineer now used to be electrical technician and before that electrical apprentice