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  1. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    Yeah I was just going to get a bleeder for fluid anyway bud for future cheers though! And yeah wheels are going black too!! Only garage work on brakes will be the rear disk change
  2. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    The previous post still hasn't been done to much time wasted lately ! And been very busy for previous months! I admit I lost Interest in it for a few months but something has clicked lately with me with it! I'm back and back to start modding again however it will be slow due to purchasing my own...
  3. benmc

    Fao Neil single speed !!!

    He's been through 3 engines since the kit was on the same ktec problems with mapping keep popping up again and again fair enough some of you will like ktec but my mate has dealt with there bull hand in hand and I wouldn't use them for them services tbh but each to there own just thought I'd drop...
  4. benmc

    Fao Neil single speed !!!

    Just to let you all know the guy who had a "370bhp" sc Clio from ktec too has had 3 engines now and on rr at fcs came out at 270 then popped... He's now bought ktecs turbo'd engine :/ and they are getting well and truly slated everywhere everyone seems to be popping up moaning
  5. benmc

    Fao Neil single speed !!!

    Please please please go get your car checked somewhere !!
  6. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    So a much needed update!! Due to moving up to Aberdeen the twingo has been neglected a little lately :( , Need to bring car wash stuff back up next time I go home.. It's filthy inside and out ! Few things I need to get done on it also: Brake fluid change Front and rear pads change Spoiler...
  7. benmc

    Swaps?? My white dini spoiler for black gt spoiler??

    I'm wanting to swap my white dini spoiler for a black one if possible with anyone saves on paying for painting lol I'm based in Aberdeen if anyone is close by, if not I would pay both sides of postage... Cheers
  8. benmc

    Blue Gordini

    There's another dini down there now!?!
  9. benmc

    White facelift RS and silver pre face lift RS

    yea i drove past you on ellon road the other day then but thats the first time ive ever been down there, so there must be another!!
  10. benmc

    White facelift RS and silver pre face lift RS

    White RS was in morning going into Aberdeen you waved I was a bit slow and didn't notice at first haha And silver RS was guy with glasses in the right hand lane to me in Aberdeen the other day I have a dini RS pre facelift
  11. benmc

    New GT Owner in Aberdeen

    Ill keep an eye put for you I have a dini parts are going black slowly lol
  12. benmc

    My new RS in Liquid yellow

    Gorgeous !!! I understand about blade but if it did go black the part the num plate is on would have to go ly!!
  13. benmc

    What have you just ordered?

    Weebob rs tuner is unreal! I have one use it loads
  14. benmc

    Beanys 08 Twingo GT

    I've got some injectors fr sale very soon just waiting for mate to replace the o rings (he needed some for his 172)
  15. benmc

    Hi guys!

    Eh are you being serious yeah power gains may not be the best but the way it puts power down totally changes its not all about top end power lol
  16. benmc

    BMC CDA Induction Kit with Custom Air Scoop - £100 - TS14

    I only live down the road maggi he should have contacted me and we could have trade spoilers with cash his way lol
  17. benmc

    BMC CDA Induction Kit with Custom Air Scoop - £100 - TS14

    Mike you should have rang a good trade of spoiler could have went down first ;)
  18. benmc

    Been Infected By The Mod Bug!

    Eh your paying them todo it ?? How hae you caught the modding bug the best bit is doing as much work as pos yourself lol
  19. benmc

    Best place to get uprated mount's

    I have vibra technics dogbone mount and never had any problems
  20. benmc

    Turbo time

    Be good to see this when fully done!!