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  1. benmc

    Turbo time

    Minus the x haha What shafts have you used then customs?
  2. benmc

    Turbo time

    Gees brutal !!! X
  3. benmc

    Turbo time

    What gear box are you using in it??
  4. benmc

    Turbo time

    Hmm I might have to find out a labour price and source a meg engine ;)
  5. benmc

    Turbo time

    How long recon you could do one of these conversions in!!! That is epic... Just noticed you kept air con! Lmao legend!
  6. benmc

    Twingo rs wing??

    Is it!? I thought it was a separate part! Thanks for clearing up bud
  7. benmc

    Twingo rs wing??

    Can anyone shed some light if pos I need a new wing for the dini is the rs wing the same as the standard wing apart from the extra glued part and are they easy to come off? Cheers in advance
  8. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    Dini slowly turning to dark side ;) black mirror surrounds haven't done spoiler yet seen as though ill be going cup spoiler eventually next stage stripe removal
  9. benmc

    What have you just ordered?

    There the best boxes ;) nah in honesty bud buy a decent 3/8 and 1/4 socket set for now and build from there
  10. benmc

    GT intercooler

    When your after some injectors for when you get it remapped I've got some for sale bud ;) x
  11. benmc

    Aberdeen room rent!!

    Alright people, I was wondering if anyone can help me out if possible. I'm looking to rent a room in Aberdeen from the 24th August for a minimum period of 6 month looking at £500 PCM inc bills maximum (would prefer the £400 area) I know a few of you are from up that way and was wondering do any...
  12. benmc

    Turbo 133

    The new Clio might be slightly slower but a 500 quid mod I.e remap will see better gains than spending 1000plus on the old one lol
  13. benmc

    engine mods

    So they dropped the power to 163 instead of keeping it at 172, I thought they kept it running 172 but ktec are known for fiddling results slight ... I thought ktec 172 the other place 163 ...
  14. benmc

    engine mods

    If I was Neil I'd be taking the 163bhp figure he got over ktecs
  15. benmc

    Maggi's Cup

    Who's Andrew bud?
  16. benmc

    Maggi's Cup

    Where did you get the cluster from I need this!! Haha looks some much cleaner!!
  17. benmc

    Maggi's Cup

    So do you have a red lamp in fog light now instead of the shade?
  18. benmc

    Compression leggings?

    I know they are mainly used as it adds support and due to compressions speeds up muscle recovery slightly I may get a long selved top :p
  19. benmc

    Job interview

    Good luck
  20. benmc

    Compression leggings?

    I know a few on here are into fitness and I was wondering your view on compression leggings or other garments I have some leggings and I think there great keep your muscles warm in cold weather let enough heat out in hot weather but today I noticed they held me alot more in the sense I had a...