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  1. benmc

    Fitness thread

    Some 30 quid running Adidas shoes from sports direct for everything and Kipping isn't cheating its hard! I still do strict pull ups Kipping get more done in less time
  2. benmc

    Fitness thread

    Don't have rings at my place so been trying on bar but still can't get it :( haha need to keep practising strict ad Kipping pull ups first I think
  3. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    From compbrake bud got them of a guy off eBay brand new for 65! Can't go wrong !
  4. benmc

    New RS Clio test drive

    Or a few years when minor fixes have been made and that I kinda like it!!
  5. benmc

    New RS Clio test drive

    I might get one when face lift comes out ;)
  6. benmc

    Fitness thread

    Dubz if you wana stay lean workout cals needed for maint and add 12% add more if you wana bulk quicker and arnt to worried about fat (burn off in spring for summer)
  7. benmc

    Rs gordini progress thread!! (always being updated!)

    These baby's turned up today need to get them on!!
  8. benmc

    Anyone from Aberdeen area??

    Haha sweet!! And Neil's I'm still on with what we talked about before just due to this move its Guna take longer bud is that okay?? Least I can come see yours too now aswell haha!!
  9. benmc

    Clash of clans.

    I keep getting attacked .... They haven't won yet!!
  10. benmc

    Anyone from Aberdeen area??

    Ahh sweet I've been told to keep away from Torry and north field what's old Aberdeen area like? Also what are the country roads like up tere in winter when it snows even thought of a 12 month static caravan haha
  11. benmc

    Anyone from Aberdeen area??

    Renting a room?? Haha o.j ill have a look around that area bud is there any places I should try stay away from if pos??
  12. benmc

    Anyone from Aberdeen area??

    Yea been looking at aspc going to rent somewhere for couple months first to get jist of the place ill be working in the ab24 area people and if anyone knows where any rooms to rent are going let me know ;) haha
  13. benmc

    Clash of clans.

    Joined te clan!
  14. benmc

    Anyone from Aberdeen area??

    Is anyone here from Aberdeen area I'm moving there due to new job in August just going to ask where's best place to buy a property not too expensive just wanting a 1 bed flat up there I was even thinking of static caravan in a 12 month site as ill still be coming back down to boro frequently etc...
  15. benmc

    Clash of clans.

    I'll be in clan within the hour :)!!
  16. benmc

    Paint codes for gordini??

    Alright people does any one know the paint codes for the dini on all parts of the car I.e blue main paint, white for fog surrounds and the black for the outer gloss black parts?? Cheers
  17. benmc

    Clash of clans.

    How long does clan tower take to build??
  18. benmc

    RS160 - Twingo Gordini #159

    Bad thing about adding boost(if super charger) the cam pully isn't keyed so could cause some damage
  19. benmc

    Clash of clans.

    Oh it is clan base will be getting done soon!!
  20. benmc

    How do I know if our car has the cup pack?

    There's 2 colours on springs can't remember what colours but goes on them