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  1. gavin-h

    Which one are you?

    I'm a right-handed Mom (one-handed driver!!) most of the time, but Racecar driver when I'm in a hurry. How can ANYONE have control over a car with hands high on the wheel and elbows locked? Surely you couldn't react quickly in that position!!!
  2. gavin-h


    Looks good to me. I had a Hyundai Sonata in the mid-90s. Awesome amount of kit as standard, and a half-decent 2-litre motor like they used in the Coupe.. Bomb-proof reliablity like a Jap car but a fraction of the price in those days..
  3. gavin-h

    2011 Renaultsport Sales

    Be interested to see the numbers for Australia, especially for Twingos :idea:
  4. gavin-h

    Favourite sandwich?

    White bread. Italian Salami. Nothing else. No butter. No pickle. No salad. Sometimes less is more. ;-)
  5. gavin-h

    They don't make 'em like this any more....

    Out walking in Lytham town centre, I saw this parked up on a side-road. Good to see one like this still running around locally - I've seen it riding round a few times lately, and followed it for a couple of miles a few weeks back, so it seems to be someone's daily transport. It's a 1966 model...
  6. gavin-h

    i love this forum

    Oooooooooh. Team hug!!!
  7. gavin-h

    Online dating?

    My step-daughter met her fella on one. For both of them, it was the first time they'd ever used a dating site, and they were the first date each had on the site. Three years later, they've bought a house together and are really settled. Good result for them both!!!
  8. gavin-h

    Jury service

    I lived in Croydon in the '80s. Stretton Road, Addiscombe. Worked on the 16th Floor of Lunar House - great view from my office window. Then they moved us into the Whitgift Centre offices. P*ss poor view, but good to wander round the shops at lunchtimes. Does anyone know if Mamma Angelas...
  9. gavin-h

    Standard 133 with Cup Chassis. How do you know?

    At a glance, that's the obvious one :!: Here's a laugh, the guy that sold me mine didn't realise it had the cup chassis - he thought it just had the alloys as a part of the black/white pack!!! So it was priced as a standard FF - saved me a grand without him even knowing :mrgreen:
  10. gavin-h

    Never mind the first bar of your fuel guage weebob...

    Bl**dy hell :!: Are you sure you're driving and not pushing it :?:
  11. gavin-h

    First bar on the fuel gauge.. How quick can you get rid?

    Always fill to the first click. Gavin's helpful money-saving tip for the new year: Always fill up early in the morning when the day is coolest. Because they sell fuel by volume, you get more fuel per litre when it's cold (liquids expand when they get warmer). :idea: If you fill to the 5th...
  12. gavin-h

    New Years Eve?

    Ego was good - food was excellent; everyone enjoyed their meals. Atmosphere was good too, although surprisingly it started to empty out before midnight, so less than half full by the time the clock ticked over. However, thankfully that meant we weren't subjected to that moaning Scottish...
  13. gavin-h

    New Years Eve?

    Yes, we've been a few times for celebrations and it always comes up good. Last year we went to Mammas Too in St Annes and that was a good do...
  14. gavin-h

    Hobbies / Collections anyone?

    Oh, I've heard it ALL before :lol:
  15. gavin-h

    New Years Eve?

    Got a table booked at "Ego" - a Mediterranean restaurant in Lytham - there'll be four of us: me, Mrs-H, daughter and her partner. We're due to dine at 9:00pm and there's entertainment (and drinking...) to take us into the small hours, so should be a good night... Then up reasonably early on...
  16. gavin-h


    +1. If I started hitting him, you'd have to drag me off :lol:
  17. gavin-h

    Hobbies / Collections anyone?

    My "other" hobby - stamp collecting, not ploughing fields in Saxony!!! I'm also a Moderator on the largest stamp collecting BB in the world - we have >7,000 members and nearly 2½ million posts:
  18. gavin-h

    A certain m grey RS, crossleys bridge Bispham

    Yes, I cannot tell a lie... was me. And yes, the V5 does say "white" :lol:
  19. gavin-h

    Don't feel well

    Actually it's not that uncommon - a lot of places won't let you take leave immediately after a period of sick-leave. It's designed to stop people booking a 2-week holiday and only using one week's leave :idea: Of course, not suggesting Dazza would do something like that... :lol...
  20. gavin-h

    Road Rant Vent Thread!

    Yesterday there was the imbecile in the BMW cabriolet who decided to stop on the double yellow line and open the door to get out as I was approaching. Now, I wasn't going to be forced into the path of oncoming traffic, was I? So I deliberately drove VERY close to him. Of course he didn't...