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Twingo Forum

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  1. Chris B

    Digital speedo

    I enquired about this at my local independent Renault garage having got a 2014 Twingo a couple of weeks ago, and apparently, there is no way of switching it to mph. Have worked out key speed equivalents (approximately) in K/ph as follows though : 20mph = 30kph 30mph = 50 kph 40mph = 65 kph...
  2. Chris B

    Twingo III Ground Point Near Fuse Box

    Hi Everyone Am trying to install a new dash cam for my Twingo 3, taking power - via a fuse tap - from the fuse box and transformer. The issue is, to complete the circuit I need to connect the neutral lead to a ground point, but can't for the life of me see one in close proximity to the fuse...
  3. Chris B

    New SCe Owner

    Hi there. New here and took delivery of a 2014 SCe Twingo nearly two weeks ago. Really enjoying getting to know the car and meet other Twingo owners. Chris.
  4. Chris B

    DTC Code when scanning with OBD2 App - help!

    Hi there, and thanks for letting me join the forum. Purchased a 2014 SCe Twingo 3 nearly two weeks ago, and had an AA inspection before buying. All came back fine, but out of curiosity I purchased an OBD2 scanner and downloaded a couple of diagnostic apps for my phone. Everything seems to...