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  1. B

    Alternative wheel paint

    Hi all, I need some help with the paint code for the wheels. I've got the darkish grey alloys. I read on another post that these are the 205-110 anthracite grey but we can't get hold of that. Is there another description and code which is the same colour that we can use? Thanks.
  2. B

    Twingo 133...cup or not!?

    Hi all, I bought my 133 about 3 years ago and the guy told me it was a cup. I'm now potentially looking to sell the car so I'm just wondering if there is anywhere i can find out for sure if it is actually a cup? I know i know...i should have found this out before i bought it but if i can...
  3. B

    Twingo 133 price guide

    Hi all, I'm potentially looking to sell my Twingo 133. Not sure if it is cup or do i find this out? The guy i bought it off 3 years ago said it was a cup. Anyway, it is red...has the pan roof...climate windscreen wipers...around 52000 miles...just...