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  1. F

    Kerbweight difference between ff and Cup.

    Just been reading the posts on the weight difference between the ff and the Cup. I had hoped it might be close to the 20kg quoted on the Clio, but I see you guys reckon it may be closer to 10. This is disappointing, since I bought the Cup because of weight saving and (marginal) performance...
  2. F

    Wheel chips, seats, spare wheel.

    Firstly, thanks for the kind welcome - I'm still a lad at heart, and running a sporty car helps keep me that way. I saw pictures of the 2012 Twingos today, and sat in the Silverstone - no Recaros, but a nicer-sounding twin-tailpipe exhaust. I heard that apart from a Williams Clio, there may...
  3. F

    Wheel chips, seats, spare wheel.

    Hi everyone. Just heard about the club today. Hope I'm welcome - I'm 59 - but have always had small sporty cars, from 5GT Turbo, AX GT onwards. I bought a new Cup in red with black wheels last Sept for the 60 reg. I've done just 5000 miles, but found the wheels chipped readily from day one...