Anyone actually use bluetooth with their phone?

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Jan 4, 2013
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So my son decided to gift me (cheap kid huh?) his over used iPhone. Took me a week or two to figure out how exactly it all works, but its pretty great. I gave up my old samsung flip phone for it, but the headset i use while on the road does not work. In my search for a new headset my son mentioned im here asking. Ive seen a few of you out there with these things in your ears...are they worth it? Do they work good? easy to use? I noticed they have speaker phones as well, i have been eyeing a speakerphone, just wanted some advice before i bought something i know nearly nothing about!
I use Bluetooth in my twingo all the time but mine has the bluetooth built into the radio which makes it easier.

It really handy. My dad bought a Bluetooth speaker for an older BMW and used it basically all day long. Worth getting it if you do a fair amount if work miles.

The speaker was easy to use, just a green and red button. They can clip onto the sun visor if you don't like one of those things round your ears or in a cup holder if they didn't stay secure.
Don't waste time and money on Bluetooth headsets. They look silly anyway.
What you need is this:

Just pop your phone in the blue cup and run the high quality audio string through your sleeve, when you get a call, simply raise the red cup to your ear. Remember to buy two sets if you don't want to keep alternating between ear and mouth during conversations. Quality is questionable (Performance and Build qulaity that is). Better than bluetooth though.
The headsets themselves are a bit silly looking IMO but they do work well. The speakers are much better really, if you can get a hold of a headunit with it built in then go for that, or alternatively invest in one of those Parrot kits.