I've had the car a few weeks now and seeing as your all such a nice bunch of lads and lasses and I love the little Silverstone I thought I better start a progress thread. The car is still under warranty at the minute so minor mods only for now as well as some pic whoring as I'm a sucker for a clean car! iPhone only pics for now though as I desperately need a new camera - donations addressed to AS_BO's DSLR Piggy Bank please!
So plans for Steph are (the car is called Steph, those who've seen the plate will understand why) are to go very OEM+ with some upgraded audio, extras from Renault Cargo Net, Cup Spoiler, Diffuser, interior trinkets etc. then looking at springs, spare set of wheels to keep the black cup wheels looking good, uprated brakes and rubber and finally breathing mods + remap.
So a few pics from today. Some of you may have seen the issues I've been having with the car since I picked it up. It's booked in on Monday @ Renault to get looked at but a particular picture will help illustrate what I meant about the wheels. They're shocking! Due to the colder weather in the north east I haven't been able to machine the car yet but it has had protection which should hopefully see it through winter.
The body had a good coat of colli 476s last week so today was a maintenance wash + a bit of decontamination work. It's nowhere near upto my standard yet though. Roll on spring so I can sort the paint properly because right now it's full of minor swirls and micro marring.
If anyone could shed any light on the wheels that would be great. It's extremely rough to the touch with lacquer lifting all over the place. Reaction in the paint at the factory maybe?
Comments welcome peeps.
So plans for Steph are (the car is called Steph, those who've seen the plate will understand why) are to go very OEM+ with some upgraded audio, extras from Renault Cargo Net, Cup Spoiler, Diffuser, interior trinkets etc. then looking at springs, spare set of wheels to keep the black cup wheels looking good, uprated brakes and rubber and finally breathing mods + remap.
So a few pics from today. Some of you may have seen the issues I've been having with the car since I picked it up. It's booked in on Monday @ Renault to get looked at but a particular picture will help illustrate what I meant about the wheels. They're shocking! Due to the colder weather in the north east I haven't been able to machine the car yet but it has had protection which should hopefully see it through winter.
The body had a good coat of colli 476s last week so today was a maintenance wash + a bit of decontamination work. It's nowhere near upto my standard yet though. Roll on spring so I can sort the paint properly because right now it's full of minor swirls and micro marring.
If anyone could shed any light on the wheels that would be great. It's extremely rough to the touch with lacquer lifting all over the place. Reaction in the paint at the factory maybe?
Comments welcome peeps.