AV referendum

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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2010
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So i voted no

the results... absolute slaughtering ...everyone wants to keep the current system pretty much...apart from a few places..but at the moment 289 no's to 6 yes's haha!

It does annoy me though as it shows just how little our politicians know about "the people" as they had to ask a question which has such an obvious answer!!
I didn't have a chance to vote, nor even think about what I'd answer.

Though I think I'd be for the new AV.
Voted no, don't see the point in wasting millions on voting systems. To me it's simple who ever gets the most vote should win even if it's by 1 vote.
I voted no. Even if it had been given the go ahead, it would have been pointless - all these MPs blag their way through elections and never stick by what they write in their manifesto's. So it's a waste of time changing the voting system really!
Well, Mr Clegg should be quite pleased - his referendum got twice as many votes as his party :lol: :lol:
What is this AV crap people keep going on about?
Something about proposing a new voting system whereby instead of voting for one person you vote for a few in the order of best first?
I don't vote. My theory is I pay very little attention to it and blah blah yeah one vote counts but the way I look at it is I don't know enough to make a constructive count. One party may well have a policy I agree with but I don't know enough about them to not say they don't have 3 others policies that I don't agree with.

I'd rather not vote as it may be detrimental to what i'd prefer. I leave it to more interested people.
I voted no to AV, not because first past the post is very good, just because AV is much worse.

I don't understand actively choosing not to vote. Something that has always made me vote, even before I really had an understanding of politics, is the fact that there are people across the world literally dying just because they are trying to vote in a democratic election. It's so easy to vote here and even if you don't know anything about politics, half an hours research is all it takes to make an informed decision on which party/politicians suit your situation and beliefs.
Well done Matt, brought some maturity into the thread, thank you!

Totally agree with your views.
One person = one vote. You should vote for the person you think will benefit you the most. End of. Anybody else who has done constitutional and administrative public law will appreciate that AV is a load of bull that will just complicate things and make the whole process even less efficient and more time and cost consumptive. First past the post may not be brilliant, but at least it is representative, my 3rd choice is my 3rd choice, just because others had him/her as 1st doesn't mean I want him/her to do the job, I still want my 1st choice, therefore AV is just bastardising my preferences. You can guess how I voted ;)
Monster Detail":iu2b9l06 said:
there are people across the world literally dying just because they are trying to vote in a democratic election.

There are you're correct but it's also no small coincidence in those countries that even a landslide victory against the people they are trying to repel means zero.

If people are voting and risk dying to do it, voting will not make a difference to an already majorly unsettled country. It happens time and time again and generally makes it worse rather than better for a long time following.
Monster Detail":3vklpdsj said:
half an hours research is all it takes to make an informed decision on which party/politicians suit your situation and beliefs.

I strongly disagree with this. There are so many policies and in depth stuff you should really understand. It's like saying to an accountant don't worry about learning about tax laws, just do invoice returns. You need to know the whole picture to make a constructive decision. All the parties crappy little pamphlets and commercials are all rubbish, nit picking at each other and hardly notifying anyone of anything.

All political parties have 100's of polices; someone name me the top 25 that concern you. Same as all the parties will have policies they never met or match targets.

Half an hour of "research". I don't vote but show me somewhere that i can make a genuine and logical decision through 30 minutes and I'll do it.