Well yesterday evening I popped out in the car and there was an an awful noise coming from the front brakes.
Like a metal grinding noise constantly, and got worse when I broke.
I jumped out and the discs and pads looked fine on both sides
Today I've took it for a decent drive and the noises are still there! Popped into local garage and he took it for a drive and a check over. He agreed my discs and pads are perfect front and back. Came to the conclusion there must be some grit or something stuck in-between the pads and discs. Thats tomorrow job then. Just a bit strange how its both sides making a grinding noise. As I said the noise is all the time and worse when I brake. What parts are linked on the front that would mean the noise came from both sides? :?
Honestly though I'm a bit concerned even though he told me the pads and sics look fine.
What noise would a wheel bearing make that was on the way out? Again a bit strange that the noise is from both sides
I've just been and bought a 7mm allen key from the local motor parts store as last time I tried to strip down the brakes I had to give up as the only 7mm allen key I had just bent. This ones hardened so should take some stick
Like a metal grinding noise constantly, and got worse when I broke.
I jumped out and the discs and pads looked fine on both sides
Today I've took it for a decent drive and the noises are still there! Popped into local garage and he took it for a drive and a check over. He agreed my discs and pads are perfect front and back. Came to the conclusion there must be some grit or something stuck in-between the pads and discs. Thats tomorrow job then. Just a bit strange how its both sides making a grinding noise. As I said the noise is all the time and worse when I brake. What parts are linked on the front that would mean the noise came from both sides? :?
Honestly though I'm a bit concerned even though he told me the pads and sics look fine.
What noise would a wheel bearing make that was on the way out? Again a bit strange that the noise is from both sides
I've just been and bought a 7mm allen key from the local motor parts store as last time I tried to strip down the brakes I had to give up as the only 7mm allen key I had just bent. This ones hardened so should take some stick