Django unchained

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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2010
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Bromley kent
Went and see django last night. Wicked film it's 3 hours long but it dosen't disappoint. Only thing I would warn is people who want to see it but don't like the ****** word then do see it they say it all through the film
It's part and parcel to the theme, the brutality of slavery is meant to be depicted in a shocking way, and Tarantino certainly does this better than most. I'm unsure why people are so angry about it, if you don't like it, don't watch it.

I almost asked you how it was, as I haven't seen it yet. Meant to take carrie but not seen her cos of snow so I've held off!
Maggz it is a brilliant film about slavery but django dose good for the slaves by killing the bad white people. If caz is screamish then she may not like it there's a lot of shootin and how do i put it heads bein blown open and a poor horse gets shot in the head. As soon as the film starts the action begins
I quite enjoyed it, even though I think it would have been better if condensed to 120 minutes or so...

our only truly successful hollywood export pulled off another geniously played psychopath
samuel l. jackson made a good ******
jamie foxx and dicaprio at least didn't disappoint
if it was censored to keep people happy , it would probably be a crap film. Theres no point in ignoring historical facts, no mater how bad or offensive they may be nowadays.
Using the N word is hardly the most controversial thing Taratino has done to date haha
Is ****** really an offensive word nowadays though?

I know people who are black that think its funny being called a ******.

Great film though , want to watch it again .
I don't think it was up to me or you to decide what was offensive historically. Perhaps culturally we've be 'desensitised' to such things, but I certainly wouldn't say that to someone. Black bear is probably as far as I'd take it, however, in the context of a film it's probably necessary
when talking about the "is it offensive" question it's really as simple as if someone if offended by it then it's offensive (to them at least) even if it was never meant in such a way.

But yeah in the context of a film that tells a story it would be historically inaccurate to deny that casual racism ever existed.