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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
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now i have no intrest in magic!never have but ALL day everyone at work has been banging on about some "magical" called dynamo??

id never heard of him so got home and then my gf started going on about it and how everyone at her work was saying how amazing it was so iv just watched a programme about him (its on watch now)

and part of me just thinks its on tv and its all staged but some of the stuff he is doing is just not humanly poss!!!!!
i cant get my head round it, some of it is crap but some of it has just messed with my head!!!!!!

has anyone ever seen him??
if not turn on to watch now (sky channel109) and see what u think
I don't believe in magic as such. like surely they are just tricks/ slight of hand etc!?
yea i dont buy all that but what about the walking on water ??
i know there are a million ways it can be faked so......

like the bit where he balanced a guitar on two seats and then removed a seat, now there is no way on earth that is poss without some sort of trickery .....

im not sure if its all a load of staged ballsh*t or he is on of the x-men !!!!!
One of the x-men!! :lol:

He is just purely a great illusionist, but like you said in your previous post it is honestly mind boggling as to how on earth he can do some of the stuff he does!

The dudes face when he changed the signature and name on his bank card! Priceless!!