Unable to contain my excitement at collecting my first Twingo 133 on saturday. Found a few satisfactory distractions, including a 133 road test in dutch on youtube. Unable to understand a word, content to watch little red Twingo being put through its paces and then this.... 133.net, top find. Have been reading for hours, your commitment and enthusiasm for this little car is addictive. Please consider this my introduction and me hooked. :shock:
Unable to contain my excitement at collecting my first Twingo 133 on saturday. Found a few satisfactory distractions, including a 133 road test in dutch on youtube. Unable to understand a word, content to watch little red Twingo being put through its paces and then this.... 133.net, top find. Have been reading for hours, your commitment and enthusiasm for this little car is addictive. Please consider this my introduction and me hooked. :shock: