First full tank

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
So the twingo has 400 mile under it's belt since tuesday evening :D

Filled her up to a full tank wednesday evening with v power. Drove it and got to 260 miles before the bong, drove a bit more, filled it up a full tank (but could only get 32 litres in till it reached the end of the nozzle, so guess reserve is bigger than i thought, i imagine the first few tanks to be innaccurate though). My MPG came out at 38mpg for purely urban driving. My smart couldn't even manage that! This car keeps getting better and better :p

On a down side, as I pulled away off the highstreet today got pulled over. The officer said he heard my car (even though I litterally pulled away, very slowly, and quietly) and gave me a ticket. APpaerntly the highstreet is only for blue badge holders only, even to drop someone off :twisted:
Blimey mate, you've just managed more miles than my Gordini!! haha

Glad you're liking it though mate. Gutting about the ticket but good about getting 38mpg already. That'll certainly go up as I noticed my girlfriends 133 improved when it went over the 1k mark.
Yeah I was suprised as I had expected the first few tanks to be really bad! But as it's better on fuel and insurance than the smart so far I'm quids in really!

And the ticket, whilst I'm annoyed they were camped there, really I should look at the signs more carefull! I drive down there (as eveyrone does in watford when picked people up). the sign is on the same one as the parking restrictions and I assumed it was just that! Live and learn :)
38 mpg is good to hear on a new car. Normally they get better as the mileage comes on them.
Yes, considering i've driven carefully, but not entirely like a granny I was hugely suprised when i worked it out!
I'm on 32mpg and I've driven it very carefully no ragging at all and I've got 420 miles on the clock.
If I can get between 32 - 38 mpg just going to and from work I'll be quite happy
i get 30mpg at best...usually 25-28 though... (scan gauge tracks it for me)