Front wheel hub nut

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2013
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I don't suppose anyone could tell me the size of the front wheel hub nut could they??

I want to change the bearings this weekend but don't have a socket that fits it. All I know is that my 27mm socket is too small and my 32mm one is too large! I was gonna do the bearings on Wednesday along with the track rod ends but didn't have the right size socket!

be careful with the front bearings mate as they are the fancy magnetic ones, very delicate. need to use a press to pop those in, however if you're going to go down the 'socket and a hammer' route then make sure you're delicate with the impacts. use a copper hyde mallet if possible for a dead blow, should be fine.

yeah it's a 30mm hub nut socket on a twingo :)
How do you mean a press???

Normally I use a rubber mallet and the old bearing/big socket to gently 'persuade' them into place!
MeatHelmet said:
How do you mean a press???
I'd say anywhere between old school mechanical ones

or somethinga bit more modern