You will need:
Spirit level
SDS drill (hammer drill)
5-7mm masonary drill bit
Plugs to suit
Depending how far off the wall the bracket is, depends the length of the screw, 40-50mm of the screw in the wall is plenty
Drill (for screwing in)
Depending what brackets your using.. I suggest using a simple 'L' bracket that is large enough to come off the wall about 75% at least under the shelf size.. Try to get brackets that screw to the actual shelf, keeps it stable.. And make sre the shelf is about 18-25mm thick if poss
2-3 brackets depending on length and thickness of shelf
Place 1st bracket on wall where you want it, mark where the top screw hole is.. Use the level to get the bracket level to marl the lower screw hole..
Use hammer drill to drill about 50-60mm max into the brick, the brick should be 65mm
If you hit a frog (hole in the brick) its no worry, the screw will still grab
After holes drilled.. Plugs should push in atleast nearly flush, twist a screw into the plug (without the bracket) by hand and tap the end of the screw to push the plug about 5mm past flush.. This stopped the plug pulling out of the wall under heavy weight
Place 1st bracket on wall and screw the screw in, if you overtighten them, you can rapidly loose grip of the wall so aslong as its stiff it should be fine if you have used the correct screw
Once the bracket is on, place one side of the level on it, and with the other braclet in you hand, lower or raise untill level.. Hold it in place and mark the first hole, level the next hole down and repeat the se as the first..
If you then have a 3rd bracket, do that last, by placing the level across the 2, measuring the centre, raising it to the level then repeat..
Anything you dont get?
I could put a shelf up in about 10 minutes, piece of cake