Heater Speed 4 not working

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Active member
Jul 8, 2013
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My heater has decided to start cutting out when I switch it up to fan speed 4, 1-3 are working fine
Also after it cuts out at 4 it wont work on 1-3 till I switch it to 0 and then on again.
This is effective whether I use hot or cold air

Any ideas?
Why did I get a feeling that was the answer I was going to get lol!
Unfortunately it'll have to go in for winter time I spend most of the winter with it on 4!
In which case does anyone know a good garage in East Anglia/Cambridgeshire?
I've had less than good experiences with smiths in peterborough and would rather not use them!

I did find the Clio III suffers from a similar issue.
and someone from the clio forum did some basic rewiring that has fixed it

Anyone think its worth a try?
yeah it's the rheostat mate it's lost connection on a wire somewhere in it's system, creating an infinite resistance. you could try to rewire it if you wish i suppose, no harm done at least