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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Sunday moring I was board an made a decision to change my speedo and dash colure to blue and it went wrong and now my radio and time part of the dash only lights up blue at one end can anyone point me to someone that's can help me fix this


Louis :?:
I'm not to sure but I think I over heated one side of the board and that's why that side is not work I think
And Renault being Renault won't silly money for that one part
Did you test the SM diode first?

If you have a normal diode with legs, try positioning this across the solder pads to see if it lights up and confirm the polarity required. This would confirm the board being toast or the new diode being duff/wrong way round
singlespeed":28ygtnk2 said:
Did you test the SM diode first?

If you have a normal diode with legs, try positioning this across the solder pads to see if it lights up and confirm the polarity required. This would confirm the board being toast or the new diode being duff/wrong way round
No i did not test it mate im useless when it comes to things like that I wouldnt no how to I wanna pay someone to do it not its not for someone who dnt no what there doing. I done things electricall befor when I put a 106 gti lump in my ax and I never have been Abel to work out how to make the speedo work :lol:
If you soldered them on, you could always de-solder it. This would also allow you to look under the diode to see if the two solder areas have joined together (Causing a short and therefore no working diode) If the solder areas are good, spin the diode around 180' as the polarity may be wrong.

Then call Karl if it doesn't work :)
What ildo is take it apart an gt some pic of my not so handy work but the smd LEDs have one long line of contact but the old ones have 2 on each side so went sur how to do it