Iphone Apps

Twingo Forum

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You gave in then ;-) should have waited for the new one!

Anyway, I LOVE angry birds. Tapatalk is great for coming on here. Ive got about 60 apps ranging from bb and sky news to excessive amounts of games ;-)
Spirit level? Highways agency for travel and road updates.. Sky player to watch sky tv live.. Paypal, eBay, qr reader... Could go on forever!
Could hvae, didn't. If you wait for the next one you'll never buy anything!

Gotta ask, wtf do you need a spirit level on a phone for unless you do a lot of mounting shelves, or work in construction, in which case you would have the right tools? I ain't putting an iphone on a side i might think isn't level!
The Keith lemon app is my new favourite at the moment!

Also fragger, tetris, plants vs zombies, whatsapp messenger, flick football and flick rugby. Then u got shopping so river island, next, schuh etc and I got the meguiars app on there.
The Gordini app!!


Anyone got the R.S. monitor app? Just spotted it on an iphone in a renault advert (was strapped to the steering wheel of a megane trophy actually :lol:)
yup just tried it out! Managed to pull some good g's in the lanes apparently! :D Couldnt' get a 0-60 readout though since I was never doing one from a standstill and didn't have a good piece of straight road.
Stupid zombie is pretty good. I'd recommend PhotoSynth if you're going to do any photo panoramas.

Parking, Cliff Diving, Sand Slides, The little Crane that could, paper glider, Stick cricket, Demo City, Ragdoll Blaster 2, Traffic Panic, and Flight Control are all pretty good games.

Tapatalk for the forum, NavFree as a GPS device. The kindle app is pretty good and there are hundreds of free books on the kindle store.
BBC News
My O2
Words with Friends
Fruit Ninja

Just a selection of the apps I use