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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
Does anyone on here use LinkIn?

I've been on it for ages but just got around to making my profile tonight.

I need more than the 5 links I have lol

It's a professional form of Facebook, without the posting on each others walls or photo tagging; ie: what FB was designed for back at the uni it came out of.

It's for all types or real businesses and their employees to connect with one another.
Well you lot are useless! :p

I now have 10 connections with "professionals". You guys should join up, you never know what business you could get from being on there.
You don't need one, my bread and butter isn't freelance but I still use it. Most people will be part of their company or institution rather than being on their own pages.

You have recommendation things on there; so for example, Karl could go on and recommend Mike as a knowledgeable tool-jock in the garage and vice versa or someone else could see and recommend him to someone else etc etc. It's like professional FB.
Yeah do it, doesnt cost anything and if you never use it delete your account.

I mean obscure as this sounds I'm connected to the guy who takes the track photos at some events which is pretty useful, whereas I'd never be his "friend" on FB as that'd be a bit weird if we weren't mates.