Major accident

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at first i thought that a bmw m5 had caused a pile up :oops:
Lol nah mate it is tragic if you watch the second video down it shows how back it actuly is and the photos as well 20 odd cars 6 artic lorries and 4 vans involved.
It was horrific by the looks of things. Few people killed and seriously injured also. Makes u realise that cars can be dangerous at times and should be treated with respect.
I agree there bud, a thew well it says 16 dead so far on the site but I Hurd on the news earlyer that it is now in the 20's now.
7 have been confirmed dead and there are at least 51 injured.
terrible news. the fog just came down thick and the poor motorists couldn't see a thing. if the fuel tanks hadn't caught fire then more people could have survived.

thoughts go out to the families.
I heard about this about 4 this morning on the news. I don't think I took it in or understood it as I was so tired tbh, seems unreal.

This makes me sad :(
Without saying too much, I know one of the firefighters on scene and he said it's the worst accident he's ever attended. A guy was trapped that they couldn't free so he sat there and burned to death whilst screaming at the top of his voice.
oh my god that's horrible :(
i have a lot of respect for all the firefighters and people that did all they could to free the people but unfortunately there would have been people they couldn't get too.
i imagine that must have really traumatized your friend having to witness that. i mean you can do the job and have a certain mind set but nothing prepares you for seeing and hearing that.
I heard about this and have been following this news story closely. I know a few people who were travelling on that stretch but managed to avoid it by half an hour! It really does highlight the dangers of the road, with an event of this scale. 34 vehicle pile-up and 7 deaths. Doesn't bear thinking about, really.
They have only just opend one half of the carriage way, my dad had to go to Cornwall today a 3 hour drive took him 6 hours. The signs hear are still saying it is closed up in Bristol. although it takes a hour and 10 mins to get to Taunton from Bristol. They had a firework display that night just of the edge of the carriage way in a rugby club it was not fog at all. fog hear only hovers at the edge on the motor way not over it sounds odd but it's true. Unless it's early hours of the morning then it will be on it. Makes me wounder if a firework went of course driver panicked swerved then kaboom.
Best to not speculate until the police and forensics have carried out their thorough investigations, I reckon.
The police are currently investigating the bonfire night event at Taunton Rugby Club. Apparently, there was fog hanging over the motorway, but with white smoke from the bonfire rising and blowing onto the carriageway would have briefly caused a "whiteout" for drivers, which prevented drivers from being able to see.
There was no fog that night think about it I know these motorways from Bristol down to lands end and fog hear 95% of the times allways on a morning and firework smoke does cause a white out. Beleave me I seen all sorts happen on the m5 and firework smoke by the side of it is a nightmare.
Sam":1zglhs7h said:
Best to not speculate until the police and forensics have carried out their thorough investigations, I reckon.

exactly. once the police and forensics have come to a conclusion we will then all know the cause.

at the end of the day no matter what caused it a terrible tragedy has unfortunately happened and people have lost their lives. my thoughts go out to all involved.