Mass Effect 3

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Loved the first two. however as im a pc'er and this is on origin and not on steam, it doesn't exist
Isn't there a DLC pack that 'fixes' the endings due to public 'uproar' about the crap ending(s)?
Don't own ME 3 yet, but all the other previous ones.

I've seen reviews ( about the DLC's for ME3 and that they're good but don't know if they're out yet.
I'm trying to play it at the moment but really cant get into it....

Loved the first 2 though
Will it paid dlc? I don't wanna pay for Somethkng it should have been
Can't be bothered now. More into vampires...

Skyrim: Dawnguard is goooooodddddd
Am tempted by that DLC but have ATM better things for my money to go on....