Extreme music is definitely an acquired taste! Funny thing is that now, when I listen to pop music it just sounds kinda weak haha.
Thing is though, a lot of metal fans seem to make a point of deliberately liking the most extreme, obscure bands they can and then claim the bigger metal bands as 'commercial'. Slipknot are probably the biggest, 'extreme' band going yet they're not really radio friendly. I'm just into most forms of rock.
As above, I forgot to mention punk and I do have a weakness for Ska punk bands though! Who couldn't raise a smile at this -
Top 5 for the last three months: N.E.R.D., Jamiroquai, Erik Truffaz, Mastodon, Andreya Triana. Otherwise my long life favourite is Pink Floyd (until Waters left) https://www.last.fm/user/obsadenynick/charts
I team up with Alex_225 - mostly metal, alternative, ska and rock. basicly everything that's played on real instruments and including at least 2 electrical guitars or a bunch of trumpets...
I've yet to see Avenged Sevenfold but have a Live DVD of them and they look extremely impressive. Pretty boys, yes but they have some amazing musical talent.
Their latest album, Nightmare is absolutely superb. Another band I'm loving at the moment is Airbourne. Ok, so they sound like AC/DC and also come from down under but they are amazing live and good straight up rock'n'roll!
Not only is this video funny but it's such a tune!!!