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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
If your post count is still on zero, why not get logged in and say hello. You don't have to be a literary genius or obsessed with your Twingo (or Clio or Megane ;) ). Just a few lines about you and your motor in here, or get involved in some of the banter in the Pub Talk

Yes, theres members here from the start of the club with several thousand posts (Karl being the most helpfull :lol: ) but we also have new members with rapidly growing post counts.

For many who don't normaly do forums, their first post is "Help, I've got a problem with.....", which is relying on the regular members knowledge to hopefully get the fault sorted. Without a broad range of users, the knowledge to help in times of need becomes limitted and may ultimately make it more difficult for you. You never know, that niggly fault you managed to get fixed may be usefull knowledge for someone else!

So, come on then if your logged in already whats stopping you :mrgreen: You never know, you may like it!
