Peanut butter...

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user 980

Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
I'm watching wrecks to riches on disc. turbo whilst i've been ill in bed all weekend, and in the episode now they are sanding a golf back before painting.

They've just listed a few things for people to use at home for cleaning/repairing scratches, but I was amazed when he said instead of using silicone based products on black bumper trims etc, you can use peanut butter and it does a better job and lasts longer haha

P.s. quote "make sure it's the smooth type and not the nutty" for obvious reasons
Lol I've known this for ages but a better use for peanut butter is pb+j sandwiches
I used to hate it but I can't get enough of the organic stuff now. Slap it on my toast with no butter, favors eating a pack of dry crackers but it's nice
I was expecting this to be a particularly dirty joke
It's the oil in the peanut butter. Honestly, there's better out there.