People snooping round my car..

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2010
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Sat in my car having my butty for dinner.. And two guys about 30ish start walking around my car saying stuff like "this is cool this" "look twingo 133" "wonder what the interiors like"

Peeps his head in to see me stareing at him haha

Opened the window and had a chin wag, said they loved it and looked awesome for a little car..

They i told them it wasnt the sport version and they were pretty shocked haha.. Quite nice to have people compliment on your car :)
Had something very similar a couple of times.. once whilst sitting in traffic the guy next to me wanted to know more, another time sitting in the high street a car stopped next to me and started asking questions lol.

Bit unerving at first... you think "Oh God are the doors locked?" and then it turns out to be innocent.
Yeah haha! I didnt know what to think at all, makes the hard spending feel worthwhile when people take notice!
Same happend to me a couple of times.. quite strange when you're sitting in your car with the roof down when someone sticks their head inside next to you :shock:
Nice ;-) good to see your car appreciated rather than keyed out of jealously from time to time!!

Had a similar one only yesterday actually, just parked up outside the house and some fella came up an said "the sounds the nuts, how did you go about turbocharging it then?" I proceeded to tell him that its only a 1.2 and came turbo'd standard and what I've done to it so far etc etc. felt quite good to get a randomer compliment my car haha