Reverse Hazard lights?

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2011
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Ok, silly little thing, but since when did the twingos rear repeaters flash when you reverse???
Was watching over some footage of my car and noticed as soon as you start moving in reverse, the hazards come on as well as the single reverse light. Apart from trucks, iv'e not seen any other car do this. Is this through out the twingo range?
Sounds like a possible wiring problem there! Can't say I've noticed it on any of the 133s or any Twingo marque. I reverse up to reflective surfaces all the time and I've not seen it. Strange :S
Aww :( was hoping it was a cool feature.
Only had the car since November from new...back to the dealership lol
None of the Scanias I've used have done it either, unless you physically turn the hazards on yourself... I know some cars flash the hazards under hard braking though automatically, the Abarth 500 lights up like a Christmas tree! :D
Nope just been in the garage in the dark and no rear flashin hazards :( sorry to ruin your cool feature :/
jra3d":1upstp1w said:
Nope just been in the garage in the dark and no rear flashin hazards :( sorry to ruin your cool feature :/

Mine only start flashing when i reverse. I can put it into reverse and only get the single light, but if start reversing a long distance they kick in (i was reversing down country roads, they don't do it when parking my car). No sign of them flashing from hazard button and no clicky sound. They just flash, but at a slower pace than the hazard lights would normally flash.
hmmm, never reversed particularly far/fast in the 133. Would probably be pretty difficult to notice without an onlooker given your description
Oh moonin didn't realise it was over distance!

Well I shall investigate with chicken one evening and take the cars for a good old reverse session!
MovingShadow : It should be for womans :D hehe (and some drivers ,who got their drivers licence in a Müsli box) :lol: :lol: