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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
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Right I have a very high pitched sqeuk coming from one of my wheels, I think. I have brought it to the garage and they couldn't find out what it was and when I drove it when I got it back the noise was gone. However the noise has returned and it is a reasonably loud. It is not my wheel bearing or my brakes they have been checked and are fine.

Other bits of note would be that it only happens in forward gears 1,2,3 etc but not in reverse. If I stick the clutch in while rolling it doesn't make a squek either. The noise is constant but intermittent. Eg sqeuk pause squek pause squek. Faster you go faster the squek and pause is. It is definetely coming from the outside of the car as I can only hear it when the window is open.

I'm no mechanic so I'm not sure what it is however due to the fact it's only happening in forward gears I'm guessing its either between the gearbox or driveshaft.

For the more mechanically and technically minded, do you know what it wrong with my car?

Not aux belt? Broken tooth on aux belt can cause an intermittent squeak... Faster you go faster it turns faster squeak gets?
No don't think so, when I say squek imagine scratching a piece of metal on another piece of metal. That sort of high pitched squek
I had a loud droning noise from my wheel ... turns out it was the bearing
Wheel bearing was checked not that either :) not a droning noise it's squeking. I partly think it the drive shaft because if you imagine that spinning and a bit if it rubbing against something that would probably make an high pitched squek.
Could be loads of different things! If just get the drive shafts looked at... It's fair enough saying its a squeak like a scraping but it could be anything. Like a shot in the dark pal. Get a decent mech to look at it and then take it from there
Is there a sort of metal "dirt" shield around the RS' discs, on the inside? I had it bent slightly on one of my cars once and it would squek sometimes, strangely not always. Worth a check?
Are you sure it's only happening in 1,2 & 3? Could it be that road noise is covering the noise as you go faster?

Also, is it road speed reliant, or does the noise speed up with engine speed?
drive shaft. worn universal joint or a faulty centre support bearing.
so the squeek totally dissapears when you press the clutch in? have i read that right? if thats the case it can only be gearbox related, but i cant see it making that much of an audable noise?