Fully agree Matt. Rob I didnt mean to take the piss by making light of the post, hope it brought a smile if anything.
I only make light of these things as for me at least there is little use dwelling. If the stress comes from something you can change, do it, it is that simple, life's to short. If you can't change the thing that's stressing you out, it's clearly out of your control so why get stressed about it, your simply going to have to deal with it.
I currently have one child, 2nd on the way, with a wife that is going though a rough pregnancy. A house that's going to be too small (plus needs painting) and can't afford to move. A garage that roof leaks no matter how many times I "fix" it. Cats that **** in my flower beds. Just had to give up my office/man space in preparation for mini weebob part 2. A job that is on the rocks with a employer that is taking the piss not only in terms of working conditions but rate of pay etc. Car insurance is due. Got to also find the cash for the cam belt change on the wife megane, which we could do with changing for something more economical. And I'm up at nearly 1 in the morning watching run thoughts of old video games I was never good enough to finish, why?
This list can go on and on as I'm sure everyone else's could, but that's life. Anyway it felt good to share.
At least since getting rid of my Alfa I have a car that starts every morning.