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user 980

Well-known member
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hmmm so who has or had baby teeth still at the age of 24? I've got one on either side with no adult teeth waiting to come through. I've just had one of then packed out as the dentist said it'll be too fragile to drill and do a proper filling. I've basically got to make then last.

When they do come out it's £2000 for each implant....
My mom still has them at near 40 I had all mine forcibly removed at 15
That's pretty unusual! I think I had rid of all mine by the time I was about 16.

With that in mind though, I'm nearly 21 and I have wisdom teeth coming through, hurts like a bitch sometimes :(
Yeah me teeth have ways been in great shape apart from the two baby teeth, and two wisdom teeth growing diagonally into my back teeth :/ they have to come out when they've come through the gum enough. I cannot wait for that experience...