The Big One at Teesside Park Sunday 29th July

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Mike are you from round here? I'll go like Definatly lol
Middlesbrough haha thought I was the only one with an rs twingo round here now there's two and both dini's haha
ah sound, theres another one of us Dini owners from Newcastle way as well, so we'll probably see him there too! haha
where abouts in middlesbrough are you based, we could always meet and convoy up to T park if you like?
I'm from acklam bud and yea can do should be few lads in the clios too :p
spotted a black FF 133 with private plate today. Lunchtime in Asda carpark, Wallsend.

No club flyers with me, so it didn't get zapped
^ could be called work, or otherwise lots of waiting about in the old SW yard. 08:30- 17:30 with absolutely nothing acheived today. Busy day tomorroy (maybe)
Yea bud I had a nosey roun yours :) wanted to see if you'd done anything under bonnet an have chat but :( oh well maybe next time bud