As above, its the same 60mm body as the clios and its very marginal whether they get any gain/loss by getting theirs bored out to 63 or 64mm. Some have gained a bit and actually had an improvement, whilst others have gained a bit top end but ended up with rubbish idle /low speed pickup... Depends on who's mapping it as well, but pointless for us.
There's a small step either side of the butterfly which you can smooth out fairly easily, so the 60mm machined bore blends into the rest of the casting slightly better. Blutac or plasticine, lightly pressed round the edge of the butterfly and ends of the spindle, to protect the edges and spindle bearing from dust and filings, then use a fine sanding drum on a dremel. Don't force the butterfly round to the open position as there's a slight risk of damaging the stepper drive motor.