So far today,
The likes of Black Stone Cherry
Occasional bit o whitesnake
Doesn't quite fit in this thread, bit more blues but Joe Bonamassa rocks
Offspring. Listened to them a fair bit today for the first time in ages.
There's some great covers on the Punk Goes.... series. Could post lots of tracks from these albums but for now will limit to one, this is from Punk Goes Classic Rock. VersaEmerge Paint it Black
Good bit o Pendulum - Watercolour. (I listen to the long version, but this is the YT entry)
There's a few good covers on the 'Butchering the Beatles' album. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. (How anyone argues that the Beatles didn't take drugs is beyond me)
For anyone that remembers playing Formula 1 on PS1, this should bring back some memories. Joe Satriani, Back to Shalla-Bal. There were only crappy YT links, so there's a spotify one below.
StaticX the only
Queens of the stone age - The lost art of keeping a secret
Reel big fish are more ska, so went for a song that would fit into any category
SOAD toxicitiy.
erm... think I'd better stop now, or I might end up writing this post all day :lol:
Incase this doesn't give it away, I listen to far too much music.