What a f*cking stitch!

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2010
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Thought I'd tell of my work woes! lol

I've offered myself for giving IT training to members off staff on a new bit of software we are rolling out. So yesterday I was booked in a 'train the trainer' type session to go through it all.

Told my boss it was three days and he goes 'No you're only in it for one day' so today I came in as normal and get on with my normal job. Anyway, I get told at 3.50 today (I finish at 4) that I was expected in a further session to prepare for the 90 minute training session I have to give tomorrow!! :shock: :shock:

So basically I have to give a 90 minute training session on a piece of software I've only seen used by other people! This is going to be hilarious. :D
Use loads of big words which no one quite knows what they mean :p

And maybe have a mysterious computer error halfway through that takes around 5-10 minute i.e the plug falling out the socket.

Do loads of hand gestures even when your not talking :p

Or get drunk then do it :D
Hate that coming into work and then them going can you review this document and now train the staff. It can be a pain in the arse
The software is called 'Time Builder' and it's for the lawyers to bill their time.

Clever bit of kit as it captures activies on their PCs like reading e-mails, writing documents, using specific work related web sites, even calls from their IP phones. Because they charge their clients by the amount of time they spend on a case, they miss a lot of work they do by not recording it properly.

This software records that so they can assess what they've done and not miss anything. Charging £600+ per hour to the clients, I guess it makes sense!

As for the training, it was actually ok. Will go more smoothly on future sessions! Still was sh!tting myself haha
How can you surf car forums, facebook, youtube etc now that big brother is logging everything?

How does it know that the document is being actively used and not just left open over lunch or to come back to later. Isn't it making some big assumptions when time it £600ph
singlespeed":2nvpt3sc said:
How can you surf car forums, facebook, youtube etc now that big brother is logging everything?

How does it know that the document is being actively used and not just left open over lunch or to come back to later. Isn't it making some big assumptions when time it £600ph

but if there is no activity on the screen/document i.e mouse movements or actual typing then i presume it wont be charging?
That's correct, it detects what you're doing so if you leave you computer it just simply logs that as a time gap.

Thing is the system does charge directly the the client. All it does is record the lawyers actvities for them to review and them submit the time for billing.

For example they sit and draft an e-mail for 10 minutes. The system will log this and show how long the work was done for. The lawyer reviews their activities and then submit the relevant work for billing to the client, it doesn't automatically bill as that would be a huge rip off. Like £600 per hour isn't? hahaha

As for logging all activities, it has the potential to but don't forget the lawyers own the company and they don't want to get spied on either.

Besides any company that suspects you're using the internet and it's affecting your work can run off a web usage report anyway so it's nothing new in that sense. :)