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  1. F

    painting calipers

    Yeah pretty much u need to clean them first with special cleaner otherwise paint won't stick
  2. F

    painting calipers

    I wash my car Prob every 10/14 days
  3. F

    painting calipers

    what colour does people recon for my dini's calipers, blue or white?
  4. F

    Headlight bulbs

    If I was to get hid kit what one would I need
  5. F

    Headlight bulbs

    What is the brightest legal bulb I can have in my dini like the ones wit the blue tint are they legal
  6. F

    Mud flaps

    hi everyone i have a gordini 133 and want to get some mud flaps, completely rubbish with cars, i like the rally type ones, was thinking in white but would that work? vicki