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  1. benmc

    Silverstone Value?

    I move to Aberdeen soon but I have 2500 relocation allowance so using that to rent a room for 5-6 month save up double what I normally would then buy hopefully something round the outskirts like a 2 bed bungalow for 125 ish ...
  2. benmc

    1.2 gt gordini 11 reg coulby newham!!

    I haven't spotted you but the mother has and sent me pics haha so thought I'd stick it up!!
  3. benmc

    What wax for extreme blue?

    Purple haze That's the old 197 done with it
  4. benmc

    GhostZ's Gordini RS Progress (Time to end this chapter ...)

    Fair fair bud I love the dini minus he stripes !
  5. benmc

    GhostZ's Gordini RS Progress (Time to end this chapter ...)

    Explain how there are small black parts I.e front bumper , diffuser, part of wing mirrors etc lol
  6. benmc

    Washer jet fuse

    Haha no ****! Lmaoo just for ease see if anyone new haha
  7. benmc

    GhostZ's Gordini RS Progress (Time to end this chapter ...)

    Looking sweet maybe calipers black though?
  8. benmc

    Washer jet fuse

    Hi Does anyone know where the fuse is for the washer jet motor and what else it controls ? Cheers
  9. benmc

    Spotted Benmc

    A dini ! I've seen a white sport unsure if cup round my end too only once though
  10. benmc

    insurance make's me lol

    Diamond just insured my girlfriend her first year driving 913 on a ford ka 1.3
  11. benmc

    Spotted Benmc

    Haha :p it's class when your lass spots one theres one going round stockton I've seen it once and girlfriend seen it twice but missed to see if gt or rs :p
  12. benmc

    RS coilovers

    I'm going for ap eventually and fr 420 for the rs ones!! Wtfff only up road too! Mint
  13. benmc

    Spotted Benmc

    Ahhh I missed you bud was going back from doing my 17th at boro college did you here my awful blowing exhaust haha
  14. benmc

    Any rs owner had cambelt done??

    Cheers daz ill have a look doesn't need doing right now but good to know to plan money
  15. benmc

    Any rs owner had cambelt done??

    As says really how much were you looking at and where from? Thanks
  16. benmc

    Clio 197

    I'd have to disagree Martin the feel of the 1*2 /twingo to drive compared to 197 is loads better but I suppose everyone to there own
  17. benmc

    Clio 197

    I feel same way tbh turbo I went from 197 to 133 and prefer the 133 tons more yea the 197 is quicker but the problems that are common are expensive it doesn't feel like a Clio should, it's pointless modding them... There really not worth it I wish I would have bought a trophy or a ly 182 with...
  18. benmc

    Khumo tyres

    I have 31 I think or maybe 39 maybe getting confused but I rate them better too bud there great!
  19. benmc

    So this is my Clio.

    Nah jjay they just made one for 197/200 which has given proper gains like 182 and meg ones bud
  20. benmc

    Photoshop request

    They will look class !