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  1. A

    CUP chassis spare

    Hello All, Thanks for all this. I'm up to speed now. I've just bought a couple of Renault suspension arms for £150 each = not too bad, I suppose and they're pretty handsome chunks of metal for the money. Quiet weekend job beckons. Thanks again to one and all.
  2. A

    CUP chassis spare

    Thank you. I sort of suspected that as it looks quite different from the pix of 'normal' Twingo wishbones. Would they have used an arm from another model in their range? And have you had to get one yourself please? Many thanks.
  3. A

    CUP chassis spare

    Sorry to bother people but just got a 133 with CUP chassis. MOT issued but with advisory on lower balljoint with slight play and perished rubber. Looking at the lower arm it appears to be a solid pressing but googling for spares shows arms with lower ball joint detachable and held with two bolts...