JamesGT":39jkkigx said:
MovingShadow":39jkkigx said:
The worst are those British guys that talk like the pikey's from Snatch..
When we were in the UK we've ran into some random people that talked like that. Me, Ghostz and Pieter were standing there looking like a reindeer staring into a headlight :shock:
That would be the Irish accent matteo
Definitely one of the worst accents ever to understand, and they sound like they´re acting to soudn that bad :lol:
Best accent ever, french (the good french one, when you speak proper english but with a light french accent, not the bad french one when the guy barely knows to say two words in the correct order...). Sadly, and though I´m french, i don´t really have it :?
Then italian accent is fun to hear.
Australian sucks big time but they live upside down so I can understand the problem