Being born in the Alps, I´ve hit the slopes pretty early ... I was 5 months old when the parents put me on kids skis :lol:
At 1.5 year, Iw as skiing on my own, following my dad
I switched to snowboard at 7, then broke it when I was 11, got snowblades for 3 years, then got back to snowboard as my dad and my brother were riding and I couldn´t stand to watch them and not be part of it!
I got a Salomon Definition 156 freeride board with Flow "hard" boots when I turned 14, but that was too soft for me, not alpine enough!!
So 2 years ago i got a Lacroix alpin board from ebay with Rachle shoes (real hard boots) from an ex competitor. The board is super thin, super quick, perfect for high speed corners. Been riding it ever since, even though since last winter, we all started doing extreme carving, which basically means that you lay on the snow when you turn, as horizontal as possible. Pure fun, no need to go fast, and you´re so close to the floor, the sensations are awesome.
I did a little "teaser" video from this winter, shot mostly in two days, but we shot some other days and it will be added to the final vid coming later.
For next winter, I must get my gear renewed, jacket, pants, underwear, first skin, etc. Going all Dainese this time as their products just rock