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Was a good little meet. Appologies for the filthy car but frankly I coudnt be bothered. Gotta wash it on Saturday anyway lol

Good choice of pub too Chris. And yes get the pics up
Dazza1":2j0ot2dc said:
James was a pleasure havin a drive back to the m25 turn off lol

Up that hill once you shot past i put my foot down and nothing happened lol!

Although i thought there would be a bump when the roadworks lorry just stopped in the road haha!
i will get the pics up tonight as didnt have a chance to last night and dont have my camera with me at work. there wasnt that many though as we were talking to much and couldnt be bothered to put all the cars in some sort of order :p

you lot will have to wait a while longer. sorry BlackTwingo-i

was great putting faces to names. glad you guys could make it. will try and make it a bit more regular, as its easy to get to. and there is enough space
JamesGT":ozkma055 said:
Dazza1":ozkma055 said:
James was a pleasure havin a drive back to the m25 turn off lol

Up that hill once you shot past i put my foot down and nothing happened lol!

Although i thought there would be a bump when the roadworks lorry just stopped in the road haha!
yeah ********* fancy just stopping on a A road like that
BlackTwingo-i":1pdnbygw said:
I dont have memories you southern f**ks :'( i would of loved to come!

You're missing a grasp of the English language as well as memories. It's 'have loved' not 'of loved' :oops:

BlackTwingo-i":1pdnbygw said:
I expected it to be censored! Sorryyyy xD

:lol: And now I've quoted it, so you can't change it. :twisted: