Hahaha....maybe one or two times, a day
Scared the crap out of my girlfriend once when she said we had to get from her house to Stirling in 10 minutes, it's usually a 15/20 minute drive

As far as I'm concerned, it's a cup chassis, it's meant to be driven quickly (time and a place) but it's handling very quickly shines through against other drivers.
A couple of nights ago, I saw a set of awfully bright HIDs coming up behind me at a fair rate, figured he wanted a play so put my foot down and pulled away from it. Braked MUCH later coming into a roundabout and set up a bigger gap. H22 Engined Prelude...pah :lol:
A wee while ago, my friend in his GT4 and I went out for a "Play" on one of my local roads, we both flew past an EP3 CTR going up the twisties, then, after I stopped at a junction to wait, the CTR flew past me and I sat on his bumper, he broke coming into the bends and I didn't even lift.
It does surprise a few people.
As for scaring myself....yes, been a couple of times when my "Skill's" ran out coming around a bend and the Twingo just Gripped and kept going, pretty sure I had to swallow my heart again after that