Fao Neil single speed !!!

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Whilst all feedback, good and bad, should be heard, I would suggest some of what you read is taken with a pinch of salt. Especially given the source.

Some of those 'with more money than sense' will also be recurring customers, and many happy.

I'm all for getting yourself heard and making your point but I also feel ktec wasn't given any opportunity to sort the issue out there. There could of been a number of issues leading to this point and he's had it 'sorted' elsewhere prior to even contacting Ktec
Well, I can guarantee my cam timing is out in relation to the timing slots ;) To reduce the valve overlap.

Its done over 3000miles, including a RR sesh and a max speed run. The plugs looked fine and I think it would have gone pop already if it was going to. That's not to say I'm completely comfortable with the thought of the next map.
Just to let you all know the guy who had a "370bhp" sc Clio from ktec too has had 3 engines now and on rr at fcs came out at 270 then popped... He's now bought ktecs turbo'd engine :/ and they are getting well and truly slated everywhere everyone seems to be popping up moaning
benmc":2cb9bjsg said:
Just to let you all know the guy who had a "370bhp" sc Clio from ktec too has had 3 engines now and on rr at fcs came out at 270 then popped... He's now bought ktecs turbo'd engine :/ and they are getting well and truly slated everywhere everyone seems to be popping up moaning

Please don't say you believe everything on a particular forum which is full of keyboard warriors who exaggerate what's happened.

And this person put his car on a mobile RR which are known to rev the bollocks of a car? Have you seen show day RRs???? I wouldn't trust them at all, also did he say how the engine went pop as there's many factors in there.

KTEC is a member on our forum so if you want to do ktec bashing don't post it here as that risks us losing a company which make the majority of parts for twingos, I've had several good experiences with them, all being mail order and all my parts are fine.
hes sc was gone before he went on the rr it wasn't a problem at k-tecs end it was at the sc had failed . and he has a turbo ly 182 and jjay got his rb 182
I know the bloke with the sc clio the charger spindle went on the way to fcs and he is friends with a member of the k-tec team
Dazza1":5ufxvv3g said:
I know the bloke with the sc clio the charger spindle went on the way to fcs and he is friends with a member of the k-tec team

Direct example of cliosport ******** because a select few had issues with ktec so they blow it all out of proportion and say all sorts.
Just a thought, but was the cam timing actually correct??? If those cams are a custom grind and work has since shown the timing is best at a few degrees away from the parallel setting slot, that may have been the intention. Paul has a bent setting tool for some of the F4R cams but I dont know which ones. But, being as the gut didnt ask :?
He's been through 3 engines since the kit was on the same ktec problems with mapping keep popping up again and again fair enough some of you will like ktec but my mate has dealt with there bull hand in hand and I wouldn't use them for them services tbh but each to there own just thought I'd drop the warning Incase
to be fair i don't think ktec make much money from cams and mapping in the first place. vast majority of their cash flow will come from mot and service work with off the shelf parts plus their aftermarket parts. im sure they take a red clio mk3 RS to knockhill circuit and it claims big power exept on the track it gets overtaken by saxos and 172 182's but it may not be their car my memory may be playing tricks on me, has toyo sponsor stickers?
Lets face it people with tuning work from k-tec are hardly easy drivers they actually offer a warranty and aftercare with their work so why go on the forums and cause a fuss the first thing Id do is take it back there I'm sure a lot of people have great work done by them there (here and beyond) problems do happen, I'm kind of reclusive about taking a car that a company has spent millions developing to a man in a garage with £100 software though I imagine they are quite smart and know their cars, there are limits and tolerances.
LC i would agree with you, although I would say that i have never had work done by them so i could not comment on their output. it does however seem that ktec is a big name in the renault world which you can't achieve without good output that's for sure. they have done a lot of gt maps on here some were getting to 140 i believe & the work on neils cams has been terrific from what i can see so far. they are one of our forum traders on here and it's only right that they get the benefit of the doubt, and that's coming from somebody who isn't a fan of ktec's product range