Japanese Underbraces

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not sure how the second brace will attach to the front brace. thinking if there bolted it'll be a bit week but not letf with much room. could all be one piece but heavy and awkward to mount.
the triangle plates used
taking a slow turn with job hunting costing me a fortune in travelling to end up not getting the thing. if i can get them to knock done the price i might have to risk it and get some made and live off bake beans till i can flog them. trying to think how much shipping them off around 10kg would cost??
Make a friend with a courier mate, they usually do a flat rate for larger Items.
Would be interested to see a metal sample :)

Would prospeed work with Ally? Make it a tad lighter, though Cusco Underbraces are made out of Aluminium or Steel, depends on the Application....
