I'm not one to stand down from a works night out Mike! and my lift home is my Boss (step dad)... If i do make an appearance it'll be a last minute decision so i'd need to be squeezed in somewhere!
Its a simple route, all 3 are only minutes in difference and 1-3miles difference..
To get there by 8:30ish, route says it will take 2hours 30mins roughly
I dont think we will need to drift away from the m6 or stop to collect other members yet
Pmd bones and he may be meeting us down there, and 133_ads will be bladdered
So to set off at 6am, meet somewhere close to the m55 starting point at 5:40-6:00am, grab something to eat maybe and get a shift on!
Anybody wanting to join in the convoy is welcome, anybody need meeting on or near our route it shouldnt be a problem