Just fitted a BMC panel filter last night .... done about 50 miles today, car seems to run a little smoother and pick up is a bit better on the motorway I found more progressive and maybe sharper throttle response, I have left the bung out of the side ofd the airbox still. Noise wise no real difference over standard filter with bung removed if anything a little quiter slightly less 'mechanical' sounding .... was hoping for a more agrressive sound to be frank.
Watch out for dropping a screw ... I managed to loose one, luckily Robert Dyas sell an extendable magnetic pole with an LED light on the end which was a life saver and well worth the £2.99 to save on stress !!
Watch out for dropping a screw ... I managed to loose one, luckily Robert Dyas sell an extendable magnetic pole with an LED light on the end which was a life saver and well worth the £2.99 to save on stress !!