these are 1.6 renault twingos, right...? i almost thought we were talking about 5 litre muscle cars for a moment here with the higher RON fuels. the higher RON rated fuels are to do with the compression ratios of the engine and its ability to withstand too high a compression which results in pre-ignition, pinking, knocking..whichever you'd like to call it. renault recommends 95RON for the 133. believe me they have spent millions developing that engine on shaping the combustion chamber, spark timings and crank shafts to get the exact best out of the 95RON fuel. the engines made with cheaper aluminum alloys than bigger powerful engines, using 98RON fuel is for high performance cars which run on silly compression rations and have high boost forced induction. using 98RON in a twingo 133, all i can say is stand behind the car with it running and smell the unburnt petrol in your exhaust. either way, you're dumping a lot of unburnt fuel. 95RON