TheDon":jy5c7qvj said:
TURBO":jy5c7qvj said:
TheDon":jy5c7qvj said:
I had two of them as well

I could not hold mine though because they always bit me :lol: :lol:
i take it u mean the tokays!!!they love a good bite!! :lol:
yea the tokays :lol: :lol:
i looked into them for ages and everyone said not to get them because they are violent and un-tameable,
but i love them.
when i first got them u couldnt go near them, they barked at me for ages and just sat there with there mouths gaped open ready to bite.
they have like a lock jaw when they bite and my little bro tried to get one out when i wasnt there and it bit him and wouldnt let go for nearly an hour!!(serves him right)!!
but after lots and lots and lots of hours being really slow and gentle with them i can now handle them quite happily :mrgreen: :mrgreen: